Embassies in Spain

embassyWhile many countries have consulates located in key cities throughout Spain, the majority of countries' actual embassies are found in the Spanish capital of Madrid. Below is an abbreviated list of some of the many embassies located in Madrid. If you don't see yours, don't panic! Again, this is just a short list, so chances are that your country's embassy is, in fact, located in Madrid but isn't listed below.

Embassies in Madrid, Spain

Phone # (+34)
Argentina c/ Pedro Valdivia, 21 917 71 05 19
Australia Plaza Descubridor Diego de Ordas, 3- 2º 914 41 93 00
Belgium c/ Velázquez, 26- 3º 915 78 08 35
Canada c/ Núñez de Balboa, 35 914 23 32 50
Chile c/ Lagasca, 88 914 31 91 60
Colombia Paseo General Martínez Campos, 48 913 10 38 00
Costa Rica c/ Claudio Coello, 78- 2º 915 77 68 81
Denmark c/ Claudio Coello, 91- 4º 914 31 84 45
Finland Paseo de la Castellana, 15 913 19 61 72
France c/ Salustiano Olozaga, 9 914 23 89 00
Greece Avda. Doctor Arce, 24 915 64 46 53
India Avda. Pio XII, 30-32 911 31 51 00
Mexico Carrera de San Jerónimo, 46 914 20 27 17
Netherlands Avda. Comandante Franco, 32 913 53 75 00
Phillipines c/ Eresma, 2 917 82 38 30
Poland c/ Guisando, 23 913 73 66 05
Portugal c/ Pinar, 1 917 82 49 60
Romania Avda. de Alfonso XIII, 157 913 50 18 81
Russia c/ Velázquez, 155 914 11 25 24
South America c/ Claudio Coello, 91 914 35 37 80
Turkey c/ Rafael Calvo, 18 913 19 80 64
United Kingdom c/ Fernando el Santo, 16 917 00 82 00
United States c/ Serrano, 75 915 87 22 00